Monday, November 15, 2010

Camp Rock Tour over

This tour turned out to be one of the best tours ever! from the tour they sang songs from Jonas L.a songs from Camp Rock 2 and songs from their four albums there was four months of touring.To mention one of the stops from the Jonas Brothers was Puerto Rico that concert was amazing and also the rest of the shows The Jonas Brothers said that they had a good time and also when Nick was in Puerto Rico he sang the song introducing me in a spare of 2:20 and the song lasts 3 minutes. When Kevin, Joe and Nick were in south america y also loved the shows they did whili there were there in Porto Alegre they formed soccer teams and they had to go versus each other. I almost forgot also they won half of the road dogs game and they knew that even though they lost they knew that they were having fun.The last stop of the tour which was Buenos Aires Argentina while they were in a conference Joe said that the fans in Argentina are intense but ofcourse in a good way After they release their 5th album they are planning on doing a world tour.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jonas L.A coming to an end

Disney Channel cancelled Jonas L.A. im so sad this was one of my favorite shows im really gonna miss it.The season ended with Joe and Stella being together and the season finale they do a private show just for the fans so they can let know the fans that their not breaking up and after they do a private show macy does a video chat with Kevin, Joe and Nick. Even though the show is ending doesnt mean that their breaking up!  

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Monkeys paw

When Mr. white made those wishes it got me thinking that if i had a monkeys paw i would wish for alot of stuff like the latest jonas accesories, a JONAS hat and JONAS shoes. and the reason that i wish for those wishes is because i feel like i dont have enough jonas accesories and also even though i have alot of posters of the Jonas Brothers on my blog and have a scarf and also have 2000 fotos of the Jonas Brothers on my computer and on my ipot i dont have a Shoe that i got mad because the only size available was 3 and im a 6 a hat or a Camp Rock guitar! oh and one more thing 1 more JONAS poster!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

My ending of lady or the tiger

The princess knew which door was the lady and which door was the tiger the princess points to the lover which door he should open and when he opens the door comes the tiger he stays inside and then the tiger devours him.the princess wanted the lover to open the door with the tiger inside because the princess didnt want her lover to marry the woman and my ending shows that jeolusy is very strong